Category: Amazon Movie

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Review by Tam Lawrence “Noble,” now streaming on Amazon, is an extraordinary film that tells the compelling true story of Christina Noble, an Irishwoman who overcame immense personal challenges to make a profound impact on the lives of thousands of children in Vietnam. Directed by Stephen Bradley, this biographical drama is both heart-wrenching and uplifting, …

'Ruby & Choice movie now streaming on Amazon is one in which children with aging parents need to truly intake to understand the possibilities. I to Movie Review: “Ruby & Choice” – A Heartfelt Glimpse into the World of Memory Loss “Ruby & Choice,” now streaming on Amazon, is a poignant and thought-provoking film that …

Movie Review: “Miss Virginia” – A Heartfelt Tale of Determination and Change This movie is so inspiring it shows when pain transforms into purpose. A mother threaten by losing her son to the streets gives her all to save his life. Now Streaming on Amazon Click Watch Movie Review: “Miss Virginia” – A Heartfelt Tale …