Protecting Our Beloved Seniors: Exposing the Growing Threat of Probate Court Abuses

I never thought a judge would be so heartless and sentence my grandmother to death in a nursing home as a ward to the state of Illinois.

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Dear Reader, 

I am so happy this article received your attention. I beg on you to share this message with others, in effort to protect the aging population. What happened to my grandmother, uncle, and others does not have to become their reality. Having the proper documents in place and transferring all assets proactively is essential. 

I am opening an online community in the next few weeks that will in fact be the central location for reporting abuse, crimes, and the neglect of the aging population. If you’d like to be involved contact our office via email 

In the spring of 2023 the caregiver agency assisting my uncle with the cares of my grandmother wrongfully took guardianship of my uncle within just two weeks he was dead and cremated. The agency never contacted our family. The agency's owner tried to take guardianship of my grandmother without ever contacted our family.

This fight is personal...

In a world filled with uncertainties, it’s natural for us to want to ensure the safety and well-being of our elderly loved ones. However, a disturbing trend is emerging within our probate court systems, where vulnerable seniors with assets are falling prey to a network of opportunistic individuals and institutions. This network preys on their vulnerability, often leading to the dismantling of their wealth and the commitment of their assets to the state. This alarming crime against our seniors is on the rise, yet many families remain unaware of the abuse of power occurring within these courtrooms.

Know the players in the courtroom

The triad of individuals at the center of this issue includes court-appointed guardians, attorneys, and judges. All three parties often have their own vested interests, whether it’s an estate planner, realtor, banking institution, or investigator, ready to benefit from their decisions. Together, they systematically liquidate the assets of our loved ones, one by one, all in the name of “protecting” the senior’s best interests. This silent epidemic has persisted under the radar for far too long.

Written by Tam Lawrence

The Truth of the Matter

It’s a heartbreaking truth that our aging population has been undervalued and overlooked, their dignity compromised by a system that should be safeguarding their rights and assets. This apathy towards the elderly has allowed these inhumane conditions to persist. However, it’s high time we put an end to this injustice and take proactive measures to protect our aging loved ones.

In my upcoming articles, I will shed light on various strategies and steps that families can take to safeguard their elderly relatives from unwanted and harmful situations. Together, we can work to ensure that our seniors are protected, respected, and granted the dignity they deserve. It’s our duty to shield them from those who seek to exploit their vulnerability and to stand up against the crime that is being committed against our loving seniors. Let us come together and protect our loved ones.

Be sure to watch the short clip of the movie "I Care A Lot," streaming on Netflix



A woman who is willing to go beyond the pages of the magazine to ensure content with context is rendered by truth-seeking journalism that advocates for the betterment of ALL humanity.
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